Modul “Feminizam i levica – o rodno zasnovanom nasilju”
2. decembar 2022.IDEAS podcast – Module 2
2. decembar 2022.Inclusive Digital Educational Anti-discriminatory AlternativeS (IDEAS) offers knowledge from a feminist, leftist, a politically engaging perspective. It presents women’s studies, gender issues, theoretical options, speaks of social reproduction, body, sexuality, LGBTQI and minorities rights, warns of climate changes and rethinks the political.
The first module offers an introduction to the whole podcast while explaining basic concepts and setting the ground for further modules.
It is produced by Centre for Women’s Studies – Zagreb, Charles University – Prague, Colour Youth – Athens, IPAK Centre – Belgrade, University of Iceland – Reykjavik and coordinated by the Center for Women’s Studies – Belgrade.
The IDEAS project is supported by the Erasmus + program and the Tempus Foundation.