IDEAS podcast – Module 5
2. decembar 2022.
IDEAS podcast – Module 7
6. decembar 2022.This module offers unique insights into the most critical issue of our time – our endangered
environment, as well an analysis through addressing climate change. This topic is presented
through a series of interviews with key researchers, academics, and activists from both
fields, climate change and gender. All interviews are conceptualized and led by Thomas
Brorsen Smidt from the University of Iceland in Reykjavik.
- Gender and Climate Change
- Homeward Bound: The Role of Women, Science and Leadership in the Quest for Saving the Earth
- Is There a Gendered Division of Labour in Climate Change Politics?
- Gender and Performative Climate Proofing
- Earth Follies and the New Petro-Bromance: Masculinities Driving the Climate Crisis
The IDEAS project is supported by the Erasmus + program and the Tempus Foundation.